If you are about to start A-levels, you may have heard many such comments that A-level science subjects are far more challenging than O-levels (or equivalent qualification). You may have even observed your seniors complaining relentlessly what a tough time they are having with this qualification. Well, if you are taught the right way, even the most difficult subject becomes easy to understand and even enjoyable to learn!
With that idea, let’s talk about some interesting reasons for taking JC Physics tuition.
A Good Teacher Tells You Where to Look, Not What to See
Physics is a very technical and analytical subject that demands you to have keen observation skills. Just have a look in the history of science and try to find even a single widely accepted theory that came without any proper evidence. The point is that the applications of Physics are endless! The computer screen on which you are reading this article to the social media where you may share it – everything involves Physics in one way or another.
Unfortunately, the way this subject is usually taught in schools and colleges is forcing us to lose the basic idea behind this learning. Ideally, a teacher should give you only an abstract, basic building block of a concept and encourage you to think with an open mind about new ideas, explanations and theories supporting the Physics you are studying. Taking JC Physics tuition gives you the freedom to have this personalized learning style and the ability to choose your own teacher.
In crowded classrooms, teachers are often more concerned about covering the whole syllabus well and communicating the important points to everyone. This makes it difficult to capture the true essence of Physics.
Guided Learning Hours
While you are taking A-level Physics, you will realize that solving problems and understanding some concepts need extra guidance from an experienced teacher. For instance, you may be fascinated by the idea of breaking glass with sound from a comic you were reading and want someone to explain it from Physics point of view.
You may also experience such instances during your course of study. At these times, tuition will guide you during those self-study hours. Having experiments and discussions which are beyond the boundaries of your syllabus is also a healthy way of learning Physics.
Fulfilling the Expectations of the Examiner
Chances are that you will be appearing in an external examination by the end of your academic year and examination techniques are extremely crucial in your final performance. An experienced teacher will tell you the about the common mistakes and incorrect assumptions that cost a lot of marks in the exam. While answering theory questions, you often need to use certain terminologies to convey your perspectives. Along with learning Physics, you will also see the best practices to translate those concepts in words.