April 2018

Gaining In-Depth Knowledge on The Electromagnetism Concept

May 9, 2018

In simple terms, an electromagnetic field is the one that is created by objects, which are electrically charged. Infrared waves, radio waves, ultraviolet waves, x-rays are a perfect example of electromagnetic fields, where each of these fields has a certain frequency. In an electromagnetic field, electricity is generated when the magnetic field changes. This phenomenon is termed as electromagnetism or electromagnetic induction. The motion of electrical charges also leads to the creation of magnetic fields. That’s what is taught elaborately by Physics tuition classes in Singapore.
The basics of Electromagnetisms
The basic concept of Electromagnetism revolves around Faraday’s Law, which is related to Induction. An electromagnetic field is a theory that speculates existence of a combined underlying force, which is called electromagnetic force. This force is generated by the movement of electrical charge. That is why it’s necessary to establish the relation between the electrical current flowing through a magnetic field and the resultant effect on the field itself.
Faraday’s Law:
According to Faraday’s law, whenever a relative motion takes place between a magnetic field and a conductor, the image of the flux changes and this change triggers off a voltage across the corresponding coils.
Relation between Electrical Current and Magnetic Field
A level physics tuition teachers in Singapore explain to their students that the direction at which a magnetic field will rotate is strictly determined by the direction in which the electricity will flow through a conductor. This happens when the corresponding magnetic field that is produced because of this movement is stronger near the centre of the electrical impulse that is carrying the conductor. This happens when the length of the loop paths are more than towards the outer end of the conductor.
Electrical Fields and related forces
The two main aspects of electromagnetism are force and conservation. However, since the electrical and magnetic forces are instigated by electromagnetic fields, wherein the field exemplifies a property or component of space, the values thereof differ with time. The value of a magnetic field or an electric field is a vector – or in other words, a quantity that has magnitude as well as direction.
Every object, when charged has a propensity of setting up an electric field around it. Now when that happens, there is also a second charge, which helps to ‘feel’ the presence of this electrical field. This second charge can either be attracted towards that first or initial charge or can be repelled by it. That will, of course, depend upon whether it is charged positively or negatively. This second charge will also have its electric field, and this is ‘felt’ by the first charge, and it either is again repelled or is attracted by this second charge as well.
The electrical field is repelled away from a charge when this charge is positive and is attracted when it is negative. This is what goes on, and an electromagnetic field is all about.
Magnetic forces and electrical force – a comparison
Magnetic force, on the other hand, influences only the charges that are in motion and is transmitted by a magnetic field. The magnetic fields, as well as the magnetic forces, are more intense than their electrical counterparts. The magnetic field does not direct towards the field source. Rather, it always directs towards a perpendicular direction in respect of the field. The electrical force on the other hand, along with the electrical field points directly towards the charge or away from it.