Aug 2018

The 4 Greatest Physicists of All Time

August 22, 2018

When talking about the greatest physicists of all time, there are some names that are indisputably mentioned in high praise. Some of the most famous physicists have scientific legacies that are absolutely brilliant and form the basis of most major scientific researches in the modern day.

  1. Archimedes

Lived c. 287 BC – 212 BC.
Arguably the most famous physicist, inventor, and mathematician, Archimedes is credited with the exclamation ‘Eureka’ after discovering that a body immersed in water weighs the same as the amount of water it displaces. This was established as the Hydrostatic Law, and later, the Archimedes Principle. He was also responsible for defining the principle of the lever and invented the hydraulic screw and compound pulley for transportation of water. 

  1. Galileo Galilei

Lived 1564 – 1642.
Galileo Galilei is another amazing physicist. An iconic figure, he was responsible for developing modern astronomy to what it is today by proving the Copernican hypothesis. He was also the person who discovered that the moon orbits around other planets. This is how he discovered that Jupiter has four large moons. He is responsible for formulating the concept of inertia and the Law of Pendulum. He hypothesised and proved that gravity, regardless of the mass, accelerates equally. Galileo has also inspired Isaac Newton, another great physicist of all time.

  1. Johannes Kepler

Lived from 1571­ – 1630.
This was the man who discovered that the planets followed the elliptical paths. This law of the planetary motion was amazing, and it was actually what improved understanding of the Universe. Did you know that Kepler’s third law was what helped Newton to come up with the inverse square Law of Gravitation? In fact, the inverse law of intensity was discovered by him. He was also the first man on the earth to prove how the logarithms actually work, and this is what helped the scientists use those fundamental tools easily.

  1. Isaac Newton

Lived from 1643 – 1727.
This great physicist invented multiple Laws that are still being used today by budding physicists, namely, the Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. Newton was also the man who invented the concept of universal gravitation, and centrifugal and centripetal forces. He was the genius who theorised the formula of F = MA for his Three Laws of Motion. Additionally, he invented reflective lenses for telescopes to improve Astronomy observations, and also Calculus.
If you are looking for Physics Tuition for h2 physics tuition classes, try to find someone who wishes to be like the aforementioned people who have shaped the modern world tremendously.