Jun 2018

Examples of Physics in Our Everyday Lives

June 6, 2018

physics tuition singapore
Apart from hard work and determination, modern education is probably the most important factor for success. You go to school to learn new concepts and to understand why things are the way they are in the world. Since the onset of formal education, many have graduated from school and gone on to achieve massive feats.
In educational institutions, you get to learn concepts from kindergarten to university, each level gradually increasing in complexity. You start learning science at a very young age, it branches out into biology, chemistry and physics and delves even deeper in tertiary institutions.
Depending on what you are most interested in, some of the things you learn in school may seem more important than others. Physics is a subject that many people struggle with and fail to see its usefulness in everyday life. In reality, physics applies to many aspects of our daily lives.
In this piece, we will look at practical examples of how Physics applies in everyday life.
It is next to impossible to go a whole day without communicating with someone else over the phone, either through a phone call or a text message. The invention of the telephone is credited to Alexander Graham Bell in the 19th century who applied physics concepts like electrical currents and sound waves to transmit signals. Without physics, the phone would not exist, and you would still be relying on telegrams and messenger pigeons to communicate.
Without a doubt, everything you can achieve in life is useless if you are not healthy enough to enjoy your wealth. Biology may be responsible for diagnosing our ailments and dictating a course for treatment, but physics play an equally important role in developing the equipment for surgery and diagnosing our illnesses.
Each day, you find yourself with the need to travel or move from one place to another either from home to work or school, from one client to another, you name it; transport is essential in human life. Whether you use public transport, your car, the train or by air, physics played a massive part in the invention of all these modes of transport.
You are probably reading this article in your home or your office. The huge buildings you see today are possible because engineers have applied physics and math to ensure they do not topple over with the slightest resistance. In Japan, the knowledge of spring technology has been able to give rise to earthquake resistant buildings.
Many people cannot imagine themselves living in a world where there is no electricity; the mere thought of it is frightening. Energy is needed to power all technological inventions. The more technology develops and advances, the more energy is required. In the future, many things will depend on electricity including transportation. Electricity generation relies on scientific processes like the turning of turbines in hydroelectric and geothermal power generation.
Sound is the vibration of molecules. Even when we talk, the oscillations occur at different frequencies and that is what our brains and ears hear. Through physics, scientists have been able to understand how sound works and develop technology such as speakers and public address systems. Even the earphones you use every day to enjoy your music can be credited to physics and its concepts.
Home Appliances
Having a television, refrigerator, stereo system, microwaves and all the other electrical devices you have at home make life better for you. Physicists are the people that developed technology that made it possible for all these appliances to work.
Physics is essential to human life, and almost all technological advances made by humanity depend on physics concepts. Gaining a deeper understanding of physics isn’t impossible. Attending a-level physics tuition will give you a better grasp of the crucial laws that form the basis for all physics concepts. Physics tuition complements what you learn in school, making you a better student.