Quantum Physics is generally a bit overwhelming even for physicists who use it on a day to day basis. But it can be an easy to understand concept actually. Physics Tuition uses several innovative and time-tested methods to enable students to grasp the nuances of Physics in an all new way. Here are six things about quantum physics that will make it a more comprehensible.
1. Particles and Waves
Each object present in the universe has wave and particle properties. So, a particle can be in waveform or vice versa. This quantum particle has properties of wave and particle but is not really any of the two.
Quantum particles have particle properties where they have discrete energy and matter form. The particles also have wave characteristics exhibiting interference and diffraction.
2. Discrete Quantum State
All aspects of quantum physics are present in the discrete form.
For instance, A light beam can contain photons in integer state and not as decimals. Electrons can carry only particular discrete values of energy such as -3.4 or -13.6 electron volts and not a value of -7.5
The above-allowed states are the only states in the quantum system, irrespective of the changes you make.
3. Probability Rules
Using quantum mechanics for predicting results is only a probable outcome and not a definite one.
For instance, in an experiment identifying an electron placement, it can predict a certain percentage of probability for the position and not a specific position where it would be in, accurately. In quantum physics, every electron is a new experiment where the result is always at random.
4. Measuring Reality
This is explained as follows:
- Until the time of measurement of a quantum particle’s actual state, it remains indeterminate with different possible outcomes for it.
- But after measurement, the particle state is a determinate one.
- The subsequent measurements made will give an identical outcome only.
A wave function collapse, splitting of the universe into parallel worlds and other such happenings has a similar end result.
5. Non Local Correlation
According to this concept, The interaction between two specific quantum particles is the same, irrespective of the distance between the two.When two particles interact in quantum state, their states are dependent on each other.
You can have one particle in New York and another sent to Amsterdam, and have the particles measured at the same time. The particles are in indeterminate state until one of them is measured at which time both their states become determined absolutely irrespective of how far separated they are. However it has to be noted that the outcome of the measurement is random.
6. Everything is Possible
Every possible path can be taken by a particle in quantum state moving from one point to another. This includes the paths that are highly improbable. QED (quantum electrodynamics) includes all likely and unlikely processes.
There are several more aspects in quantum physics that will help you comprehend the subject. Attending lessons at JC Physics Tuition in Singapore is a great and fun way to learn complex physics concepts such as quantum physics.