Nov 2017

The Role of Parents in Choosing Good Tuition

November 28, 2017

physics tuition
When it comes to looking for physics tuition in Singapore, parents play an important role. While a child should have some autonomy when it comes to decision making, parents should always provide the best possible foundation for their child. Singapore is home to an umpteen number of tuition centres, providing tuition for just about any examinable subject. It can be hard for a minor to make an informed decision and it is the duty of the parents to find the best tuition for their wards.
Why is it so important?
Before we get into discussing the exact role of the parents in the search, let us see why it is important. When do kids need tuition? When they are short on confidence in a subject, or when there is a need to go an extra mile to excel, parents should look to help their kids. Tuition will be able to provide that extra push. Therefore, it is imperative that parents identify tuition centres competent enough to achieve that goal. They must ensure that the tuition selected is able to provide the best guidance and able to impart the maximum impact on their children. If teachers at the tuition centre are unable to connect with the students, there will be a negative impact on the children. This is the last thing you want. Here is where the role of parents in choosing the right tuition centre comes into play.
A look the one providing tuition
Most teachers at schools have loads of experience in handling students with innumerable years under their belt. However, things may be different for teachers at tuition centres. Parents have to see if the teachers giving tuition are experienced teachers or they are merely students with higher education levels teaching students for extra pocket money. If so, they should be wary about enrolling their children in these institutions. Parents should be the ones sorting through the options before admitting their children into tuition centres.
The personality needs to be judged as well
It is the parents’ duty to judge the teachers at the tuitions to check if they are a good fit for their children. To be a good teacher, one must be respected and liked by their students, even more so with younger kids. Hence, parents need to judge the personalities of the teachers to find if the person in question will be able to teach their children effectively. While a school teacher could be judged by virtue of experience, one has to reply on their gut feeling after meeting the tuition teacher. For example, if sending their child for physics tuition, parents should look at the teachers experience with physics and track record while also assessing the personality of the teacher. If the teacher’s personality will allow him to click with their child, it should indicate a good match. Here is where parents play a vital role.