Exam Tips Physics

10 Success Tips To Physics Exam Preparation

October 8, 2013

10 Success Tips To Physics Exam Preparation

Passing any exam is nothing easy. If you are not hard-working and hardly go to class, you might as well return home and do something constructive there. For you to score good grades in school, there is no short cut, there has never been one.
Physics Exam Preparation
Of all subjects, physics might be the one easiest to pass. It heavily relies on logic with one step leading to another and if you can read and understand, you may only fail your O or A level physics if you panic. Below we look at 10 tips that should get you on the path to success. Or at least they will help you with your physics exam preparation.

I.  Be in touch with your physics tutor – one benefit of consulting your tutor is because they have been around for some time and know where exactly the questions are likely to come from. If you can engage them often, they will guide you on where you need to concentrate.

II. Go to class and pay attention- while physics is largely practical, much of what you will face in the exam room can only be found in lecturers. Going to class fills you with confidence and saves you invaluable study time.

III. Get involved in study groups– a good idea is students with whom you take lab sessions together. Everyone is scared by exams so your group member will also need you just when you need them. Make group meetings regular and don’t skip discussions.

IV. Understand, don’t cram- physics is more about the big picture. If you try to cram, you will not get far. But if you can understand the logic, subsequent studies will become really enjoyable.

V. Explain it to so someone- one beauty of physics is that the more you master confidence in it, the more it grows inside you. Let others teach you where you don’t understand and then pass on the knowledge, it will never fail you.

VI. Have a reference sheet- since physics is so much about equations, laws and terminologies, you can’t do worse than create an organized outline of the same. You can then often return to your sheet for reinforcement.

VII. Practice solving problems– use the appropriate equations to work out practical problems. Make sure to use correct units of measurement too. During such practice, identify the concepts behind the questions e.g. acceleration, Newton’s law, pressure etc before working out the solutions.

VIII. Test yourself- you can ask for practice tests from your teacher or alternatively you will finds lots of past papers online. Time yourself just like in a real test situation and check your answers once you are through. Take note of your mistake and correct them.

X. Finally, have all you need on the desk- you know that physics has a lot of diagrams to be drawn so you will require a set-square, pencil, eraser, fountain pen, clip board etc. place them on the desk where you can see them.

Physics Tuition in Singapore

Free high quality O level and A level tuition notes and compilation of examination questions are provided. We guarantee high quality lessons at affordable prices in Singapore. Each lesson will be for 2 hours and the tuition is held at our tuition venue at Queenstown MRT. Click here for a trial lesson now! You can also email Linda@TuitionPhysics.com or call our mobile hotline: 81173309 for more details.

Interesting Video To Share – Common Physics

More Resources on Physics Exam Tips: