Apr 2023

Understanding Newton’s Laws of Motion: A Beginner’s Guide

April 27, 2023
Understanding Newton’s Laws of Motion: A Beginner’s Guide

Have you ever wondered why a ball bounces or why a car comes to a stop when the brakes are applied? Or perhaps you’ve marvelled at the incredible feats of athletes or the graceful movements of dancers and wondered how they are able to move so effortlessly. The answer lies in the laws of motion, as described by Sir Isaac Newton.

Newton’s Laws of Motion form the foundation of classical mechanics and talk about the motion of objects. These laws describe the behaviour of objects in motion and are essential for understanding the world around us, from the movement of a car to the orbit of planets.

Don’t let the fancy language fool you — understanding these laws is easier than you might think! In this beginner’s guide, we’ll look deeper into the laws of motion, breaking them down in detail. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how objects move and interact with each other, and you’ll be able to apply these principles to real-world situations. So, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of Newton’s Laws of Motion!

Newton’s 1st Law of Motion: The Law of Inertia

The first law says that a resting object will remain stationary, and an object in motion will continue to move at a consistent velocity unless an external force acts upon it. This is known as the law of inertia.

In other words, objects will resist changes to their state of motion. If an object is not moving, it will remain still until a force is applied. As long as the object is moving at a consistent velocity, it will keep moving at that velocity unless acted upon by a force.

An object at rest will remain motionless until acted upon by a force. Similarly, an object in motion will continue to move at a steady velocity unless an external force is exerted upon it.

A book on a table will not move until a force is applied. Similarly, a car driving at a constant speed on a flat road will continue to move at that speed until a force (such as friction from the road or air resistance) slows it down.

Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: The Law of Force and Acceleration

The next law relates force, mass, and acceleration. It states that an object’s acceleration is directly proportionate to the force applied to it and inversely proportionate to its mass.

In Mathematics, this is shown as F = ma, where F is the force applied to something, m is its mass, and a is its acceleration.

This law tells us that the more force applied to an object, the greater its acceleration. Additionally, the greater the mass of an object, the harder it is to accelerate it.

For example, a heavy object requires more acceleration force than a lighter object. Similarly, a car accelerates faster when the gas pedal is pressed harder.

Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion: The Law of Action and Reaction

In accordance with the third law, any action is accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction. When an object exerts a force on another object, the second object responds by exerting an equal and opposite force back on the initial object.

For instance, when a person dives off a diving board, the board is pushed down, and then it pushes back up on them, propelling them into the air.


Newton’s Laws of Motion are fundamental principles that explain how objects move. They create the foundation of classical mechanics and are essential for understanding the behaviour of objects in motion. By understanding these laws, we can better understand the world and predict how objects behave in different situations.

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