There are many light related phenomena in the sky, beyond those that we have learnt during our Physics tuition classes, such as Light Pillars, Parhelic circles, Zodiacal light and Auroras, just to mention a…
Regarding structure, the human eye possesses a single large lens whereas insect eyes have many small lenses, having one lens per eye subunit (ommatidium). Each ommatidium’s lens focuses light on a small number of…
Eye accommodation is the act of physiologically making adjustment to the crystalline lens elements to vary the power of refraction and bring into sharp focus close and far objects. The eye accommodates by changing…
A halo, which is also referred to as a gloriole, nimbus, or icebow, is an optical phenomenon generated by light interaction with suspended ice crystals in the atmosphere, which results in a wide variety…
Gunpowder, the explosive used a typical bullet, undergoes a chemical reaction and causes the release of gases. The gases are released in very high quantities in a small span of time. This release of large amounts…
Invention of chemical explosives has changed the nature of warfare and has led to numerous deaths and man-made devastation. The impact of this invention on the international politics and international relations need not be mentioned. The story of chemical…
Hydroelectric power generation is one of the oldest ways of generating electricity and accounts for 16 percent of world’s electricity generation. Although age old, it is one of the renewable sources of energy. The projects are…
The last article dealt with an introduction to photosynthesis, its place of occurrence and the chemicals involved. How exactly does sun’s radiation induce the formation of glucose from simple chemical species like water and carbon dioxide? Plants…